Mishma, Dumah, Massa

Friday 20 January 2012

Daily offices

Reading the Bible daily is actually something of a tall order: my hours are already filled, and so are my minutes. That means that something has to be given up.

For most of the past couple of weeks I have managed to find the required time in some form or other, but over the past couple of days I have been remiss. Tonight is a prime example, I was going to sit down with my Bible reading but Sky 1 was airing the third episode of Stella, and the second one was quite funny.

Had things gone the way I had wanted I would've watched Stella until 10pm, then pottered about doing some necessary jobs before being far too tired and going to bed. But my plans were thwarted: Sky 1 was experiencing a technical fault and there was no sound. So Charlie changed the channel, and I plonked myself down at the pooter (*computer).

From the other room I could hear that Charlie was watching a programme on Lee Mead and his rise to fame playing the lead in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat and now imagine my surprise when I look to see that tonight I am to read Genesis 40-42. Now, bear in mind that I had already missed a couple of days so I had some catching up to do, I didn't know just exactly where I was up to, though some might say I should've been able to work it out (shame on me).

"Ah", says Arrogant Atheist, "It's another of those coincidences."

I pity him, I really do.

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