Mishma, Dumah, Massa

Thursday 8 December 2011

New Year's Resolution

It is Thursday, 8th December 2011. Perhaps a strange time for a New Year's resolution, but then perhaps not, after all Advent is the beginning of the new Christian year. In any case, I had an urge, an itch that needed scratching.
So here I am, a church leader with no church, resurrecting a blog that I struggled to update, even when our church was operational.
Why now?
For several reasons.
Number one: Georgia noticed the blogspot logo on my favourites bar. "One Twenty-Seven's got a website?" she said.
"Er, yeah. Well, it did." I felt sheepish, like I'd done something wrong, and maybe I have done something wrong. Maybe I've spent the past twelve months letting too many things slide. Things which matter.
Number two: I had two resolutions last year, and in my heart I was fully committed to these two: get a job and write a book. With 23 days to go, neither resolution looks set to be fulfilled. That leaves me feeling like I've failed, like I'm a failure.
Number three: 2011 has been my annus horribilis. The very very worst of my thirty four years on earth. A year of death and despair, of frustration and fear.
So here I am, a despairing failure who has done so many things wrong, needing guidance.
I'm going in search of that guidance this year, and I'm not going alone.
Much love x

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