Mishma, Dumah, Massa

Monday 12 December 2011

Annus Horribilis pt 2

It's a fairly well known saying that what goes up must come down. Well, I can testify that what goes down must come up.

I had been sinking deeper and deeper into depression while Charlie was in hospital, finally reaching the lowest point as she went into theatre. When the time finally came to bring her home I felt like a huge weight that had been pressing down on me had been lifted. I wanted to make the most of every moment, to right the wrongs of the past, to climb every mountain. I had so many ideas for how to improve the world that I felt like I might burst.

In 1995 Troy Griffin invented the reverse bungee, a new fairground ride where the customer is secured to the ground while the cords are stretched to capacity, and then the pin is pulled firing the punter into the air.

That punter could have been me: getting Charlie back fired me into the stratosphere.

The reverse bungee effect continued throughout July. On the fairground the cords gradually return to their resting state and the customer bounces around aimlessly, in life it was rather the same, never knowing whether it would be an up day or a down day.

Things started to calm down as we moved into August, there was some semblance of normality once again, and then we had a visitor who would turn everything upside down.

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