Mishma, Dumah, Massa

Sunday 19 February 2012


Essentially 2011 was an awful year, yes there were some positives, but on a scale of one to ten 2011 was crap. I can help but feel that it happened for a reason though.

It really all started with my desperate desire to play the lead part in the local operatic society's production, I even prayed: let me get the part of Tevye, I NEED that part.

I got the part and my world started falling apart.

Now as I look back, I realise several things. Firstly, I survived everything that went badly; secondly the thing I had prayed for offered me no comfort when things did go wrong, and it lost its shine; thirdly, I am a stronger person than I had previously thought; and finally, adversity didn't change who I am, it helped me see who I really am and realise that potential.

As St. Paul said:

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
[Romans 12.2]

It's happened. I have been transformed.

And to paraphrase David Warner in Mad Dogs, happiness isn't about gaining new things, it's about seeing what's already there. I was trying for years to achieve something, without knowing what it was--and that's foolish--when what I should have done was look inside and see what goodness already existed and help it to grow.

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