Mishma, Dumah, Massa

Saturday 12 January 2008

Welcome to the blog, guys.

This space is for you, with a few guidelines for use...

If you want to post a comment, let me know and I'll invite you to join; you can put what you like on here -- so long as its not rude(!); and if you want to link to your own sites feel free.

You might remember (but probably not 'cos it was last year) that you came up with some questions about Christianity, and we promised to answer the best ones. Well, we're going to start answering them on here, so if you think of anything else you want to ask, just post it here.

Btw, we also said that we would get some t-shirts made up, but we need a logo. So get drawing, best design goes on all our stuff (Note I said our stuff, it's not to be graffittied all over the place, we don't want to get a reputation).


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