Mishma, Dumah, Massa

Sunday 12 October 2008

Hungry and Thirsty

Tonight was a Young Church night with a difference, we had the chance to look at some of the art work of Paul Hobbs.

As Rev. Ellis told us Paul has exhibited in both Guildford and Ripon Cathedrals, and at festivals like Greenbelt . One of his pieces of work hangs in Lambeth Palace, having been commissioned by the previous Archbishop of Canterbury.

Pretty impressive stuff.

Now, I'm no art expert, and I wouldn't know a Turner Prize winner if I fell over it, so it was just as well that Paul himself was there. He explained what each piece meant, what its themes were.

Like this one, which represents the narrow gate (Matt 7.13), a gate that is painted brightly, making us think about childhood and innocence (Matt 18.1-4 & Mark 10.13-16).

I can tell you that Janet was a like a child in a sweetshop, running about snapping pictures of the art pieces (not sure if she'd get into trouble for that), and if you look closely at this pic you can see Janet's become part of the art. Cool or what?

I'm really grateful to Paul partly because he helped me to look more deeply at his work, but also because I think I'll stop and notice art a bit more now. Maybe take the time to let it sink in...